To Honorable Vice Mayor Reynaldo Q. Castillo; Sangguniang Bayan Members— Honorable Alan M. Calalas, Honorable Levi S. Ebdao, Honorable Wilfredo C. Ang, Honorable  Danielo S. Pelegrino, Honorable Rogelio P. Econar, Honorable Miguel G. Vargas, Jr., Honorable Myrel V. Bangcasan, and Honorable Elmo A. Estandarte; ABC President Honorable Harry C. Cabiling; IP Representative Honorable Guillermo M. Blanco;  Office Heads of the Executive Department and officials  from partner agencies and organizations; ladies and gentlemen; good afternoon.

        There were things learned, initiated, innovated, and improved. Those things were fruits of a dynamic and a collaborative partnership with the Legislative Department which evolved more progress to Compostela. However, three (3) years was just a short period of time that there were things left unfinished as public service is also boundless. But that does not mean we cannot attain them, we have the chance to continue the development  this administration have started and that with you as my new partners in service, I know we can wrap those things up timely.

         First, I am asserting for economic viability. We already have improved our economic enterprises and local resource generation programs through the Revised Omnibus Tax Code, yet there are certain concerns I want this Sangguniang Bayan to review particularly on contracts of partnership in the market business, operation of mini packing plants, and tax incentives as part of investment promotion strategy. Of course, economic viability can also be attained with our support to agriculture programs for food security, tourism and investment programs to capture investment and employment, revenue generation programs for financial stability, and livelihood programs for individual economic upliftment.  With our concentration on these aspects, we can assure of a sustainable economy of our municipality.     

        Secondly, I am for a peaceful and orderly community. We already have strengthened our support to barangay tanod and peacekeepers where we augmented their benefits. With the uplifted morale of our front liners, we can assure of strong linkages and cooperation between them together with our Philippine National Police, the Armed Forces of the Philippines and our barangay officials in maintaining a peaceful community towards an insurgent-free, a drug-free and a crime-free society. I abhor illegal drugs. It has no place in the LGU and in the community. Also, may I give the task to the Sangguniang Bayan the possible establishment of a reward program for those rebel-returnees as our way of inviting them to work with us and not to maneuver against us.

         Thirdly, I am for a safe municipality for our constituency. In doing this, the Sangguniang Bayan is tasked to review, revise and or formulate corresponding Ordinances to strictly enforce with penalty and sanctions the Ecological Solid Waste Management. I am certain that the enforcement of this target for zero-waste is a big adjustment for our constituents and now is the time to seriously practice waste management, penalize those who are disobeying and rewarding those who are exemplars in the community.

          Also, with our continued effort in disaster mitigation, we hope to establish an Ordinance adopting the Pre-emptive Evacuation and Climate Change Adaptation Plan as these are key policies and tools for proactive disaster management. The Flood Control/Drainage Development Plan is being worked out by the Executive Department and soon it will be endorsed to you for ratification.        

         Further, one of our major programs in partnership with NHA and DSWD is the housing and relocation program particularly the onsite housing construction, the San Antonio Village and the ongoing Bolohaton Settlers Village. While we have these programs, there are those who cannot be accommodated and or unwilling to be relocated in safer areas. Added to these are the existing road-right-of-way problems particularly in Barangay Poblacion. May I therefore ask the Sagguniang Bayan to revisit, refine, and formulate policies to aid the Executive Department in solving these concerns.

          In protecting the rights of our children and youth, I believe that the Children’s Code is yet to come from this 19th Legislative Council. 

Lastly, we want to sustain the established brand of governance where our constituency is our main priority. Our people are involved in planning and selection of pro-poor programs and projects, our people are included in its implementation, our people are being heard on their feedbacks and comments, and our people are beneficiaries of those identified developmental undertakings. This is our way of practicing the real bottom-up approach where we exercise participation and transparency. In sustaining this, we want more civic-society organizations (CSOs) to be judiciously scrutinized and accredited by the Sangguniang Bayan as they play great role in the institutionalized local special bodies. With this brand of governance we are assured of quality government—that is not partial, not selective, but a participative government providing the priority needs of our constituents.

          We want to sustain the brand of governance where our workers welfare is considered.  The Executive Department has formulated the reorganizational structure of the Local Government Unit, providing for a competitive staffing pattern to cope with the demand of government services needed for a competitive municipality.  I want the Sangguniang Bayan to support this organizational agenda for I am certain that we all believe in the saying “charity begins at home”. We cannot be more effective and efficient without the just placement of competent individuals in the local government.

          We want to sustain a trademark of non-partisan governance where leaders are working neither for political gain nor self-serving endeavors but for pure public service. Along with this administration’s thrusts, I am expecting collaboration between the Executive and Legislative Department to be spelled out in the Executive- Legislative Agenda or ELA. The ELA will give us direction in the next three years, beginning today. The ELA will serve as our commitment of doing a tandem work of attaining the thrusts and developmental agenda that this administration would want to continue doing with you, dear Legislators.

          Finally, I am asking each member of this 19th Legislative Council  to lead a committee which you can give your best and share your expertise. Your representation in the local special bodies will reflect your capability and will call your role in formulating measures and policies leading to legislation which will help fast track program implementation. It is in this manner that we can guarantee research-based legislation with efficiency.    

          Above all these, I am also extending my support to the 19th Legislative Council. I am looking forward for more productive days with you, with the Executive Department. I am for transparency, respect, and sense of responsibility in this obligation of leading our municipality and I want you to embrace the same towards serving our people. I am certain that we know each other’s role and functions.

I have only mentioned few of those things-to-do, there is more to come, and I am open of your share of legislations.

Mabuhay po tayong lahat!

Maayong hapon…